I have a photo that I am thinking of submitting .......

and yellowish patches.
The reason? Miri is a city by the sea and therefore beaches are just a short drive away. Many people prefer beaches to swimming pools.
With beautiful sunsets, I would too. Of course, people still frequent the swimming pools in Miri. I'm not saying everyone prefers beaches.
To go to a beach in Kuching, one would have to drive for at least 45 minutes !! That alone can deter people to go there if they simply want to have a "dip in the water".
However, nowadays people in Kuching come out with clever ways to satisfy their whims. No need to drive all the way to the beach or squeeze with others at public swimming pools.
Just go to that new shopping mall called The Spring ..........
Credits to the person that took the video.
Truly a new retail beginning!
Picture stolen from Josh (which he stole from somewhere else)
Try it here!
Edited: Oh wait.... Advertlets.com's site is up, but I'm trying out this ass grabbing thingy anyway.