Friday 22 June 2007

Sun Phenomenon In Kuching

At around 11:30 today, I received an SMS asking me to look at the sun. What?! I was particularly curious as being confined in an office cubicle, I hardly know what is going on outside unless there's an earthquake.

Here's how the sun looked.

Apparently, there was a dark halo around the sun, encircled with what looks like a rainbow.

I almost could not take any pictures at all! Of all the time, my phone battery almost died on me, but somehow I could turn it back on and took several pictures.

More shots.....
I noticed many people were aware of the phenomenon and were taking pictures. Many of them were looking directly into the sun. Wonder how they did that. I couldn't even manage a glance. Many of these pictures were "wild shots". My phone camera faced towards the sun while I faced the other way.

Look! That's my finger in this picture.

If I am not wrong, this phenomenon is called an icebow. An according to some sources, it happens every 22 June? Not very sure about that.

I was so engrossed in taking pictures, I almost bumped into a guy who had just parked his car. He was obviously oblivious (wow...obviously oblivious) to what was happening when he gave me a WTF look.

Yeah. That look.


ianle3 said... careful next time lar, time u might not only get that F#%k look le..

Thad said...

hahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah. and I am still amused by the WTF look.

Galvin said...

hahaha... I should have given him a WTHAYLA (WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!) look.