Wednesday 20 June 2007

A tribute to my love in the office (.. and sometimes outside)

Wake up every morning, mind in a mush,
Already late, running in a rush.
Brain not engaged, still not in gear,
Coffee, o coffee, I need thee here.

I need the fix, I need the kick,
A cuppa of java will do the trick,
To get through the day I need the buzz,
Hot coffee, iced coffee, no need to fuss.

Too much work, datelines, too little time,
Another cuppa coffee and all will be fine.
Need energy, lift up mood to euphoric the day,
Coffee will energise, colourise and yom the way.

Clock out time, day is done, night is coming
Energy draining, fuzzy mood darkening.
Going home, coffee glow from cheek fading,
Caffeine level in blood stream slowly falling.

Such is life, with hustle and noise, our busy condition,
A life truly driven by the world's only legal addiction.
Filled the cups with espresso, latte, mochas and macchiato
Available only in Starbucks, Coffee Bean and Alfresco.


Flo Flo said...

Eh, ini "ciplak" lah. Please acknowledge the author / source properly.

Galvin said...

Yeah ciplak-ed hahahaha... testing only lah