Which tip am I talking about? Its the upper-most north-east tip of the Borneo Island at Kudat that looks like a horn of an animal.

Finally after 3 hours long, we reached the tip and I rushed out to take a picture.

Yes.... that was all. A pointy rock being washed by the waves and waves washing pointy rocks. I spent barely 15 minutes there before making another 3 hours journey back. In my humble opinion, more attractions could be built there. After all, its a 3 hours journey from Kota Kinabalu.
Back in May 2007, there was a mega project to build the world's tallest Mazu (Goddess of the Sea) statue there. No surprises that plans to build the 10-storey high statue have been stopped due to the sensitive nature of religious issues and Malaysia being an Islamic country.

I agree that erecting a 10-storey would have boosted the much-needed tourism in Kudat. However, the whole controversy could have been avoided by proposing a well-accepted statue instead.
My suggestions? How about a friendly Ronald McDonald statue?

Or maybe to induce culture and arts, we should import a 10-storey high peeing statue from Brussels, Belgium?

In fact, I would make the entire journey again if they decide to erect the statue as below.

"In my humble opinion, more attractions could be built there."
I do not think it's a good idea to tamper with what's natural. So what if people dont want to visit Kudat because it's not "infrastructure-ly attractive" enough? Think of your future generations when people start flooding the place with concrete (accompanied by piling garbages, teh-c 5 lapis kind of water...you get the idea)
Two cents worth :)
True. But the journey to see a pointed rock in the water ain't really worth it either.. hmm
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