Sunday, 19 August 2007

Something Smells Familiar

You know the old adage that says "People learn from their mistakes (or the mistakes of others)"? It's not true! Somebody's work just got plagiarized again.

My sis and I picked up a recent newspaper while we were on vacation in Pattaya, Thailand. It's called "Pattaya Today".

It's filled with articles and advertisements that I couldn't care less about. That was until I flipped to a section called "Lighter Side".

How enlightening indeed. Despite being discolored, distorted and cropped, one of the pictures looks too familiar.

Heck! That isn't Pattaya. It looks more like my beloved hometown - Kuching. But that wasn't it. I recognized the picture from somewhere.

Tell me that its the same picture! Hahaha. How uncreative can people be? Let's hope nobody gets tulan again.


J said...

wahahaha... not bad ah, that kenny sia. even the thais want to steal his ideas.

Thad said...

kenny is pathetic. kenny readers are even more pathetic. everyone's all like oh you poor thing kenny how could someone do something like that to you, you deserve that RM50 kenny. welcome to the real world kenny where not everyone is fawning all over you and kissing your arse. kudos to the person who stole from you. vivien, contact me and i'll give you another RM50.

J said...

wahahaha... thad you just dissed galvin, jared and i think, most of kuching :-)

Galvin said...

Thad.... you just dissed half the population of Malaysia, Singapore and various parts of the world.. LOL

Elaine said...

Hey galvin, remember me?guess how i found ur blog?hahahaha.. thru kenny's blog!lolz!

Anonymous said...

whoa, galvin FAMOUS.

You JUST got quoted in


I very poor lately. Maybe can sell some of ur autographs to help me have proper meals. HAHA :P

Galvin said...

Elaine: Yeah I do remember you =)

Flo: Whoa... That explains the crazy spike in traffic this morning.

Thad said...

i don't know which is sadder. kenny being pissed off at someone cheating him of the fame and money that is SO rightfully his or people actually caring that kenny is pissed off at someone cheating him of the fame and money that is SO rightfully his. also that is not the first time that i've dissed kenny. refer to how on earth did kenny find out that you put a post on your site about alleged photo stealing anyway.

Anonymous said...

thad..ure jst some sad pathetic loser who's obviously jealous over kenny sia n maybe ure jst being sour grapes for not being able to win d 50bucks. maybe tht 50bucks caused WHOLE family a meal? if so,contact me n i wil giv u another 50 for jst a proper meal so tht u can survive but hope not .Quote : "good riddance to rubbish"
so yeah, u might also be d sad fucking loser who stole kenny sia's photo n post it in Star n decided to sell it to a thai paper after sometime ey?

Seizhin said...

I really wonder if anyone in Thai really reads Sia's blog. But yes, stealing other's work is annoying.

Thad : You talk too much.

Anonymous said...

how can national newspaper commit infringement???

thad, shut up for being a sore loser. go sort out "your" issues before posting a lame comment.

Anonymous said...

its jus wrong for a deed as such. 2 vivien chew; bitch-slap u! 2 thad; cannon boot-kick on ur groin u wanker! 2 kenny; dont fret bout it. things like these, vivien and thad are more to come.

Anonymous said...

Good on you Thad ... Kenny Sia is just a blow hard wanna-be. He is "big" and "interesting" to his audience only because they haven't been anywhere themselves and are awed by KS's life-style. It's no big deal to the rest of us who know.

Anonymous said...

Galvin: looks like your blog JUST hit jackpot. *continues to give puss-in-boots eyes for that donation to have her proper meals* LOL.

Thad: When someone links to a site, the owner of that site knows because it appears in the err...CSS record something. Dont you know? Btw, HI. LOL.

Galvin said...

Flo: Haha. A spike in today's traffic doesn't earn me tomorrow's lunch.

Thad: You can check blog reactions via technorati.

J said...

wahlau... don't play play... kenny's fans are as fanatical as hamas, hizbullah and the persian ayatollahs!

Don't put your photo online ya, thad. We don't want anyone to issue a fatwa against you :-)

Cherry Popcorn said...

Haha.. lidat also can? Walau.. how things travels is really amazing!

Anonymous said...

u cheaTER ... lousy news report !!!!

Galvin said...

Cheater? Where?

Thad said...

lol. if i cared what kenny sia fans thought i wouldn't have posted such inflammatory comments. anyway, kenny sia fans talking about growing balls etc etc should put their money where their mouth is by putting up their user-id instead of posting anonymously.

Thad said...

eh i take back what i said about kenny sia fans growing balls. kenny, it's so obvious that you're posing as 3 different people to make it seem like there's a groundswell of public opinion against me. of course i realised that because it was me posing as someone else defending myself.