Tuesday 10 July 2007

You know that you're at an unconventional Malaysian wedding when.....

You know that you're at an unconventional Malaysian wedding when the bridal march music is NOT the traditional Bridal Chorus or Wedding March processional music.

Picture courtesy of eirenechong.blogspot.com

You know that you're at an unconventional Malaysian wedding when the wedding dinner is planned as a romantic poolside dinner at a beach resort.

You know that you're at an unconventional Malaysian wedding when you see THIS:

Congratulations to newlyweds Shen and Alicia.

The following video is dedicated to you both.


Shen said...

Thanks Bin.... will dedicate one to you on your big day too. :)

joyy said...

hahahahhahhahha who is that laughing in the video?

Galvin said...

sounds a lot like ian